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    来源:海南省高级人民法院    时间:2024-07-08  
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Model Cases of Core Socialist Values 

from Hainan Courts(V)




Any party forging evidence during litigation may be fined for impairing civil actions




The case between Hainan X Industrial Company and Fujian X Construction Company & the third person Zheng X over construction project engineering contract dispute


核心价值 Core values 

诚信诉讼 honest litigation


基本案情 Basic Facts


When the court was handling the case of construction project engineering contract dispute between Hainan X Industrial Company and Fujian X Construction Company & the third person Zheng X (independent claim), the litigants all signed the Commitment of Honest Litigation to swear honesty during litigation. Hainan X Industrial Company and Fujian X Construction Company, during the litigation, submitted to the court a copy of the Engineering Contract and 28 letters of correspondence confirming engineering quantities, the signing dates of which extended for a period of three years. The investigation by the commissioned judicial appraisal agency shows that the stamp of Fujian X Construction Company on the Engineering Contract is different from its filed stamp, and that the papers of the 28 letters are consistent in features, the printed characters come from the same machine, and the signatures and the stamps of Hainan X Industrial Company on the documents are not created at the time intervals as indicated by their respective dates, instead, they are written or stamped within a narrow time frame. ■


判决结果 Judgement


The court held that, based on the judicial investigation opinions, Hainan X Industrial Company and Fujian X Construction Company jointly forged the Engineering Contract and the 28 letters of correspondence, and decided on the ground of forging evidence to impose a fine of 500,000 yuan on each of the two companies. The two companies refused to accept the decision and applied to Hainan High People’s Court for a review. Hainan High People’s Court reviewed the case and sustained the punishment decision of the first-instance court. When handling the case in detail, the court also disqualified and invalidated the aforesaid forged evidence. ■


典型意义 Significance


Honest litigation should be the basic principle for all litigants to follow, as well as an important component in the construction of a credible society. Not to forge evidence should be a bottom line of all parties involved in litigation, a red line that should not be touched. The litigants forging evidence during litigation serious disrupts the litigation order, infringes upon the lawful rights of the other parties, compromises the judicial credibility, and directly disappoints the public in its reasonable expectation of fairness and justice. In this case, the people’s court takes solid actions to punish the dishonest conduct of forging evidence, and metes out a fine of 1,000,000 yuan, which will effectively discourage dishonest litigation and purify litigation environment. This case plays an active role in guiding the public to act honestly in litigation, safeguard judicial authority, advocate the core socialist value of integrity, and optimize the rule-of-law environment in Hainan Free Trade Port. ■